
A New Community for Monthly Donors

2 Sep 2024

84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha is creating a new community—our Give Each Month (GEM) Mandala—to celebrate recurring donors and recognize the importance of this giving stream in supporting our mission: to translate the entire Tibetan Buddhist canon for the open and curious, and to make it freely accessible for all, now and into the future.
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Q&A | Publishing Translations from the Tengyur

28 Feb 2023

We are delighted to have recently announced the publication of our very first translation from the Tengyur: a commentary on the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras. We work on the research and translation of texts for years and spend hundreds …
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Press Release: A One-Hundred-Year Vision Clearly Within Reach

12 Jun 2022

On the auspicious day of Saga Dawa Düchen—commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and Parinirvāṇa—84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha announces that 25 percent of the 70,000 page Tibetan Kangyur has now been published in English translation and made freely available to the world. This significant milestone in 84000’s one-hundred-year project has been reached along with the publication of a translation of one the longest sūtras in the Tibetan Buddhist canon, The Perfection of Wisdom in Eighteen Thousand Lines.
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Designing for Wisdom | Behind our 2021 Edition of The Hundred Deeds

28 Dec 2021

This past Saga Dawa, we enlisted the pro-bono help of Li Yijing (李一静) to design the layout of a special edition publication of one of our favorite sūtras, The Hundred Deeds. Here, Yijing shares her experience of coming into the Dharma, getting creative with the sūtras, and the challenges of spearheading a truly global project in the middle of a pandemic. Please join us in thanking Yijing and her team for their beautiful offering.
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The Hundred Deeds | An Illustrated Edition

26 May 2021

On the auspicious occasion of Saga Dawa 2021, we are launching a special edition illustrated publication of one of our favorite sūtras, The Hundred Deeds, and here we are thrilled to share with you a wonderful gallery of these precious drawings.  Last …
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The People Driving Progress: Our Editorial Team

18 Nov 2020

Imagine if your to-do list had 4,500 items on it. Ours does. The people who direct and manage the process of reviewing the translations, editing, proofreading, and marking them up, are the members of our growing Editorial Team. As far as we are concerned, they are the heart of 84000.
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In Focus: Sūtras for Well-Being

18 Nov 2020

In response to 2020’s unique challenges, our first fully, digital outreach initiative—Sūtras for Well-Being—supports our global community in feeling inspired, connected, and uplifted, offering a multimedia look at the sūtras traditionally recited for resilience and well-being in times of adversity, and the stories behind them.
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