June 2024

The City Beggar Woman

27 Jun 2024

This short Mahāyāna sūtra tells of a beggar woman from the city of Śrāvastī whose modest offering of a lamp at Prince Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍada’s park, is contrasted with the lavish offering of lamps being made at the same time by Prasenajit, who was the king of Kośala and a major benefactor of the Buddha Śākyamuni and his community.
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26 Jun 2024

在2009年3月間,欽哲基金會在鹿野學苑的會議上決定成立「八萬四千・佛典傳譯」,阿底峽・馬圖爾(Atisha Mathur,下文簡稱阿底峽)當時還是鹿野學苑的義工廚師。如今,阿底峽已經完成印度達蘭薩拉辯經學院(Institute of Buddhist Dialectics ,下文簡稱 IBD) 十年的密集藏傳佛教哲學課(總學制為16年),目前在那不勒斯東方大學(The University of Naples “L’Orientale”)攻讀佛學博士學位,專注於研究中觀派。
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25 Jun 2024

【八萬四千・佛典傳譯】翻譯團隊的高級編輯約翰・康提博士最近在《藏語文學期刊》(第三卷第一期) 發表了以《翻譯大藏經的八萬四千個理由》為題的長篇文章。康提博士透過歷史、語言學、文獻學、社會學等角度,重點談及了84000所扮演的角色、經歷與挑戰,以及大藏經作為教典文獻的重要性。
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The Sūtra of Dharmaketu

21 Jun 2024

While the Buddha Śākyamuni is staying in Śrāvastī, a bodhisattva named Dharmaketu asks him what qualities a bodhisattva must possess in order to reach awakening quickly. In response, the Buddha enumerates the ten most important qualities for bodhisattvas to cultivate.
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觸手可及的智慧: 專訪84000技術總監沃曼

19 Jun 2024

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